How To Choose The Best Heavy Bag Stand – A Buyers Guide

How Do You Choose The Best Heavy Bag Stand ?
So, I’m guessing you have gone and bought yourself a heavy bag and are now looking for the best heavy bag stand to hang it from?
If not then why are you here….lol
If you are looking for a heavy bag stand then you are in the right place. In this Fitness Fighters guide I will explain the difference in different designs of bag stands, why you should use one and everything that you need to consider before purchasing.
<< Click Here For Our Top 8 Best Boxing Bag Stands >>
Why Use A Heavy Bag Stand ?
The benefits of owning a bag stand in terms of training are numerous. The best example in my experience is that you can train at home which for some people is ideal, especially if you are busy and can’t make it to the gym as often as you would like.
Also the convenience of having a heavy bag for you to beat the crap out of whenever you want is something all fighters want and need. It doesn’t matter if your into Boxing, MMA or Muay Thai the benefits owning a boxing bag stand will help you to raise your skill levels.
There are of course different ways to hang a heavy bag such as the traditional ceiling hook, a wall bracket and a universal punch bag hanger. These other options are a lot cheaper but have flaws which I will explain.
First of all ceiling hooks and wall brackets, the problem with these are that you have to permanently fit them to obviously a wall or ceiling. this requires DIY on your home or flat which if you are renting can be a problem with the landlord. Now, universal punch bag hangers, the problem here is that you are limited to where you can use them. They require something like a horizontal pole or beam to hang them from which most people don’t have.
Which leaves us with bag stands so lets crack on…..
Things To Consider Before Purchasing
When choosing a boxing stand there are many things to think about first before you do actually buy one. The size, price, materials are all important factors in choosing the best one. One of the most important overall factors, is what will you be using it for?
Obviously the answer is for hanging a heavy bag, however there are different design options for when you are picking a bag stand. For example there is the traditional bag stand (single station) and then there are multi station bag stands.
Which leads us to the different types of bag stands…
Different Types Of Heavy Bag Stand Designs
The different type of bag stand designs offer different training options for training and working out. There are two main designs which I will soon explain the differences. remember when choosing a heavy bag stand to think what you want to get out of it training wise.
Single Station Heavy Bag Stands
Single station bag stands are called so because they only have one training option which is to use the heavy bag.
Although not as versatile as a multi station bag stand, single station stands do have their own benefits. The first been that they are not as big as a multi station, which is perfect if you don’t have too much room but still want to own and use a boxing bag stand. Another bonus is that they are a lot easier to move if needed.
The obvious downside to this type of boxing bag stand is that you only have the one option to train with but there is a lot that can be learnt with owning a single station bag stand.
The model pictured is the Century heavy bag stand and is one of the best boxing stands for single station models.
Multi Station Heavy Bag Stands
For any aspiring Boxer, MMA or Muay Thai fighter this is without doubt the better option. As you can see this type of heavy bag stand has a lot more versatility to it.
In the picture shown there are two hooks for punch bags a speedball/bag and a floor to ceiling ball, pretty much all a fighter needs to train at home. With the equipment shown you can work on your boxing combinations, technique and improve attributes like hand eye coordination utilizing the speedball.
The downside to this type of boxing bag stands is that they are fairly expensive. But if you are serious about training and in it for the distance, then this is without doubt the best boxing bag stand for you.
Heavy Bag Stand Sizes/Dimensions
Do you have the space ?
Boxing bag stands are cumbersome things and this needs to be taken into consideration. Before purchasing a boxing stand make sure you check the dimensions provided by the manufacturer. In addition, if you are not too sure about whether or not you do have enough room for a heavy bag stand then measure the training area that you intend to place it.
There is nothing worse or more stupid than purchasing a piece of equipment and realising that it doesn’t leave you with enough room to train properly in.
Weight Capacity
This refers to the maximum weight the heavy bag you use on your bag stand should be. With most heavy bags tending to be around the 100 lbs mark and most bag stands been able to hold this 100 lbs there shouldn’t be any problems. However I do advise you bear in mind the weight of your heavy bag and the capacity weight of a heavy bag stand when intending to buy one.
Purchasing a heavy bag that is too heavy for your bag stand will only cause you problems with swaying, if not damaging your stand. Trust me if you do make this mistake you will get annoyed with having to add countless weights to help keep your boxing stand upright and even then it still wont feel right when you hit it.
The materials that a heavy bag stand are constructed with is a key factor in purchasing the best heavy bag stand. Steel tubing is the main material used in making boxing bag stands and is usually powder coated for a nice finish.
A good indication of how well made and durable a heavy bag stand is going to be is by looking at the overall weight. The heavier the stand the more likely the steel tubing will be thicker and more durable. However you do have to take into consideration the overall size of the stand when using this guideline. If a small single station bag stand is lets say 50 Kg and a big multi-station weighs 50 Kg my money would be on the small one been the better quality in materials used in the construction.
Stability Support
The Support refers to the extra weight that can be added to the bag stand for added stability. Many bag stands come with pegs on there base for you to put weights or sand bags on. The downside to these pegs especially for those wishing to practice kicks is that they can get in the way.
Tips for Stabilizing a Heavy Bag Stand
There are a few methods you can use to stabilize a heavy bag stand. One option is to fill the base of the stand with sand or water to add weight and stability. Another option is to use sandbags or weights to anchor the stand to the ground. Additionally, you can use rubber mats or anti-slip pads under the stand to prevent it from sliding or tipping over.
Bag Support
Not something to be too concerned about especially if you buy a good quality bag stand. However bag support refers to if a heavy bag stand has a bag support option. this is usually in the form of a D-ring and on the base of the bag stand. This can be used to attach the heavy bag using a chord to more securely anchor it down.
The problem for me with these is that it restricts the movement of the bag which is something I like. The bags movement imitates a fighters movement and having to move out of the bags way or setting punches up for a moving target can only help with your training.
When your heavy bag stand arrives before you can use it you will have to assemble it.
Depending on what model you get and how many work stations it has the time it takes to assemble a heavy bag stand can vary. For most single station bag stands it will take roughly 30 minutes to put together and usually involves using a screw driver and or Alan keys.
Remember to always follow the instructions as having nuts and bolts left at the end is not advisable, you don’t want your HEAVY bag stand falling to pieces when you are using it.
Now the price, for most this is the most important factor when choosing a boxing stand. If you are on a budget then no doubt you will want to get the most for your money.
The best way to do this is to look at as many boxing bag stands as you can before buying. A good place to start is our equipment page where you can find the top rated heavy bag stands available to buy.
So What’s The Best Heavy Bag Stand?
Now that you know all you need to know about choosing the best heavy bag stand you might still be wondering what’s the best boxing bag stand. The answer to this question is down to you. It all depends on what you expect to get from a heavy bag and stand that really matters when you are choosing one.
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