Are Mini Exercise Bikes Effective?

How Effective Are Mini Exercise Bikes?
Mini exercise bikes also known as pedal exercisers or mini fitness bikes have been on the exercise scene for quite some time now. Due to the low intensity workout that they provide they have become increasingly popular among the older generation as a way of keeping active. In addition to their popularity among those in their golden years pedal exercisers are seen to be very effective for those recovering from surgery or certain medical conditions. The question many people ask themselves before deciding to buy is, are mini exercise bikes effective?
In this article we will be explaining the truth about the benefits of mini exercise bikes as well as their effectiveness as a piece of home exercise equipment.
Are Mini Exercise Bikes Good For Weight Loss?
With the main reason people buying home gym equipment been to lose weight, you might well be wondering if mini steppers and/or pedal exercisers are any good for weight loss.
When trying to lose weight two aspects come into play. First of all the amount of calories an individual consumes on a daily basis is a considerable factor when trying to shift a few pounds. Lowering calorie intake will go along way in helping to lose weight.
The second factor is how many calories are burned through general activity and exercise. It goes without saying that the more intense a workout is, leads to more calories being burned.
How many calories does a pedal exerciser burn?
The answer to this question is dependent upon a variety of factors. Things like age, gender and metabolism have a big effect on the individual amount of calories a person uses. Generally speaking though the average user burns a total of 200 calories per 30 minute workout. When compared to treadmills or spin bikes this might not seem a lot. The thing to remember is that mini fitness bikes are a low intensity workout not high. Overall it is safe to say that pedal exercisers are an ok way to lose weight but not the best.
Are Mini Steppers Good For Toning?
A lot of people wonder if exercise peddlers are a good piece of exercise equipment for toning. The answer to this question lies in the muscle groups that are used when using a mini bike.
There are two ways to use a pedal exerciser and each uses different muscle groups. First of all the user can place their feet on their pedals and ride it like an ordinary bike. This way of usage engages the calves, hamstrings and quadriceps to name a few. In addition the best mini exercise bikes have the feature of letting the user pedal backwards. A benefit of this is that it uses different muscles than forward pedaling.
The second way to use a pedal exerciser is by placing it on a table or similar object. The point of this is so the user can use their arms to turn the pedals instead of feet.
When using a mini fitness bike like the shoulder muscles and a few others do get a good light workout. Over time there should be an improvement id body tone and definition in certain areas. However, as this is only a light workout machine don’t expect to be competing for any Ironman competitions.
Consequently a good workout performed on a regular basis will lead to better toning and definition.
Why Are Mini Exercise Bikes Good For The Elderly?
When it comes to the elderly, buying a pedal exercisers is an excellent investment. As we get older and become less mobile getting the exercise we need can be a lot harder. A mini fitness bike allows the elderly and/or less mobile to get a workout in the comfort of their own home. Aside from the cardio benefits using a pedal exerciser machine is also helpful in promoting good blood flow and circulation.
Especially relevant and worth mentioning for those considering buying. There are 3 different types of exercise peddlers these are friction, magnetic and motorised. The motorised version is designed specifically with the elderly and less mobile in mind. The motor helps the user as it is already turning the pedals slightly. This type of exercise machine is not suitable for a hard workout. For those looking for something more demanding the friction and magnetic versions are better suited.
To conclude the elderly generation has a lot to gain from using this piece of exercise equipment and this is why so many buy them.
Final Words
As you can see there are quite a few areas where mini fitness bikes provide a benefit to their user.
So are mini exercise bikes effective?
If it’s a light workout and a very affordable piece of fitness equipment that you are after then this type of exercise machine is perfect. With the benefits of increased muscle tone, improved cardio, blood flow and circulation there are a lot of reasons to suggest this is a good bit of home gym equipment.
Further reading and references:
- University of Massachusetts Amherst – Pedaling while conducting work tasks could address the health risks of a sedentary workplace
- British Journal of Sports Medicine, February 2011 – Feasibility of a portable pedal exercise machine for reducing sedentary time in the workplace
- PLOS ONE – The effect of cycling on cognitive function and well-being in older adults
- Healthcare (Basel). 2021 Dec – Influence of Moderate Pedal Exercises during an Assembly Work on Performance and Workload in Healthy Men
[…] TheGlovesareOff, Jan 13, 2019 […]
[…] or pedal exercisers, have been around for quite some time now. Many people still debate about the actual effectiveness of this piece of home gym equipment. In this article we will be bringing you all the information […]